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Settling in

N ow that you are quite comfortable, I'm sure you're wondering what all you can find here. In the cupboards you'll hardly find food (I keep all that in the cellar, in case a nasty thief tries to take my delicious nourishment). But you might find my manuscripts and stories, w hich would hardly interest a criminal (unless it was that one infamous world hopper, but he isn't able to find me here). They're scattered all around though. But I can read you some of my stories if you'd like. I would also be willing to talk about all I've written (at least in my mind) about other people's stories and characters. It could be worthwhile. I like to delve deep into written words, or anything for that matter.  And if you're able to stay long, I might start to talk about my inspiration for stories and many other things. Dreams I've had (awake and not), people, stories, many kinds of art, and you might hear a song or two. Inspiration can take shape in any form. Th...

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